Salle d’honneur of the XX, Biennale Internationale de Gravure, Ljubljana.


Designs a 20 m long and 3 m high mosaic wall for the Metro-Station Colosseo in Rome, Italy.

Mosaic wall in the Stazione Colosseo,1996


Grand prix d’honneur of the International Graphic Triennial 1997, Krakow, Poland.

Awarded honorary citizenship at the Friedrich-Schiller University, Jena, Germany.


Commission for mural in the building of the Berlin Reichstag (executed in 1999).

Phases and periods, mural at the Reichstag building in Berlin,1999


Member of the Academy of the Arts of Saxony, Dresden, Germany.

Publication of the book 'GENESIS' with 18 Serigraphies in the edition Har-El, Jaffa/Israel.

Emil Schumacher dies on October 4, 1999 in San José/Ibiza, Spain.